Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Original 30 days

A couple years ago I decided to challenge myself to go 30 days as a vegan, this meant no meat, dairy, eggs, butter or any animal by products. (I always say that I am a vegan on the inside because I do occasionally wear leather.) After the initial 30 days I felt great, I lost weight, my skin looked amazing, I had increased energy and I just felt fantastic. The first couple weeks were hard- I LOVEd cheese and sweets. However I was able to adapt to my new diet and find replacements and over time the cravings stopped. I felt so good that I kept it up for two years! Then somehow I slipped into my bad habits and started with the dairy and eggs again. Over time I gained weight, became sluggish and lost my energy boost. This January along with my mom and my sister decided to do another 30 day vegan challenge. It happened again, weight loss, increased energy and an overall great feeling. My mom and sister reported the same changes. I feel very confident that anyone who challenges themselves to go 30 days with no animal by products will improve their health and adopt better eating habits. So after the 30 days it becomes a daily challenge to maintain health, avoid dairy and meat products and stay vegan.

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